📨Report and Request


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💖Patreon Direct Message

  1. If you become a paid Patron you can send direct messages to me.
  2. You can still use direct messages after you cancel the paid subscription.
  3. If you join for free you cannot use this function.


🌐AnkiWeb Addons : by Shige

  1. For free add-ons released on AnkiWeb you can easily contact me via rating comments. (Add-on page -> Rate This)
  2. AnkiWeb will send you an email when I reply.
  3. High rating increases priority of development.


👨‍🚀Reddit Direct Message: Shige-yuki

  1. I have answered on Reddit about the use of Anki and add-ons.
  2. You can upload images.
  3. If you want to mention me -> u/shige-yuki


🌟AnkiForums Direct Message: Shigeyuki

  1. Official AnkiForums, it's a good place for open discussion.
  2. Images and codes can be used.
  3. If you want to mention me -> @Shigeyuki


Free addons : 🐙Github : my_addons/issues
Patreon addons : 🐙Github : AnkiArcade/issues

  1. Images and codes can be used.
  2. Long term issues and requests are eventually posted to Github to manage tasks.